Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Thanks for clicking on the link that brought you to me today.  I can't tell you how exciting it is to start this blog. Yeah, I've got 2 other blogs--one for family stuff, the other for fun stuff, but this one's for important stuff.  

Not that the other stuff isn't important. But this stuff is SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT.

If you've had the pleasure of conversing with me the last few years, you'll agree with me when I say--Religion and Politics find a way of dominating my conversation (when I'm not talking about my wonderful wonderful family or 4 Cavalier King Charles Spaniels).

With that being said, I feel its high time for me to get off my big tooshy and start sharing my thoughts, feelings, and information I learn to those of you who aren't cursed to see/talk to me daily. 

Basically, I'm sick of my kids, parents, hubby, neighbors, and dogs giving snorts, eye rolls, droopy ears, the volume on the tv remote somehow finding its way going up and up, and feeling like the only person listening to me is ME!

Now it's your turn.  Lucky you--if you decide to stay. And return...

At this point you might be asking yourself, "Who is this Erin Apelu chick anyway?"

That's a great question. I knew any investigators to this blog would be brilliant :)

So check this out for those answers:

God Bless The USA Erin M Apelu