Let me start by apologizing for what I'm about to say. I can no longer keep quiet about the stupidity of man.
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant so many intelligent people are. They llisten with their own ears, and see with their own eyes and are still in serious denial about our current circumstances. What really gets me is all the so called 'Christians' who have such a hard time accepting that we are living in the last days. If they are so Christian, do they believe in the Book of Revelations in the Bible? Do they sit around together, thinking so highly of their grand intelligence, and discuss how and when the actual events that this book predicts will come about. It couldn't possibly be in our time--could it?? Oh no. We'd be so smart we'd recognize it. Because it would look, sound, and feel like a biblical story. But I wonder if these so called intellects in their ignorance has ever stopped to think that during the time Christ was on the earth, that the earthquakes, famines, floods, etc...were all just freaks of nature, like let's say, um...Global Warming. It could't possibly be like what the prophets of old wrote about in the Old Testament, because this isn't a bible story, this is just good ol' Jerusalem, etc...30 years A.D. ( I hope you get my drift). But guess what?? Here we are 2000 years later actually reading about their floods, earthquakes, famines, etc...and we are sitting around (in all our ignorance and pride of the intellect of man) and thinking, these things happening all over the world are just the earth shifting, Global Warming, etc... not a warning from God, and most certainly NOT a sign of the insignificant Book of Revelations that predicts the secret combinations, turmoil, war, etc... It couldn't be us, because we'd know. Well guess what?? Even the Elect will be deceived. Do any of us really think that Satan doesn't work this way. Maybe it's time for us to FINALLY pull our heads out of the sand and and decide what really really believe and stand for. Because God is watching.
It never ceases to amaze me how ignorant so many intelligent people are. They llisten with their own ears, and see with their own eyes and are still in serious denial about our current circumstances. What really gets me is all the so called 'Christians' who have such a hard time accepting that we are living in the last days. If they are so Christian, do they believe in the Book of Revelations in the Bible? Do they sit around together, thinking so highly of their grand intelligence, and discuss how and when the actual events that this book predicts will come about. It couldn't possibly be in our time--could it?? Oh no. We'd be so smart we'd recognize it. Because it would look, sound, and feel like a biblical story. But I wonder if these so called intellects in their ignorance has ever stopped to think that during the time Christ was on the earth, that the earthquakes, famines, floods, etc...were all just freaks of nature, like let's say, um...Global Warming. It could't possibly be like what the prophets of old wrote about in the Old Testament, because this isn't a bible story, this is just good ol' Jerusalem, etc...30 years A.D. ( I hope you get my drift). But guess what?? Here we are 2000 years later actually reading about their floods, earthquakes, famines, etc...and we are sitting around (in all our ignorance and pride of the intellect of man) and thinking, these things happening all over the world are just the earth shifting, Global Warming, etc... not a warning from God, and most certainly NOT a sign of the insignificant Book of Revelations that predicts the secret combinations, turmoil, war, etc... It couldn't be us, because we'd know. Well guess what?? Even the Elect will be deceived. Do any of us really think that Satan doesn't work this way. Maybe it's time for us to FINALLY pull our heads out of the sand and and decide what really really believe and stand for. Because God is watching.